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Residential Tenancies Act – Entry Rights as a Landlord

November 8th, 2015

Landlord entry is basically divided into 2 scenarios: entry with written 24-hour notice and entry without notice.  

We will discuss entry with written 24-hour notice first.  The actual notice needs to set out the reason for the request and the day and time of the requested entry.  The landlord may enter between 8am and 8pm: 

-to carry out repairs in the rental unit; 

-to allow a potential bank (mortgagee) or insurer to view the rental unit;

-to allow a potential purchaser to view the rental unit;

-to inspect to ensure rental unit is in a good state of repair and meets health, safety, housing and maintenance standards that are consistent with the landlord’s obligations;

– and finally any other reasonable reason specified in the tenancy agreement

An example of written notice can be the following email:

November 8th, 2015

Dear Mary P (unit 123 Tenant)

I will need access to the unit to change the furnace filter.  I would like to come Nov 10th at 10am in the morning.

Please confirm that this works.


James S (Landlord)

Now we will discuss entry without written notice.  Landlords are permitted without written notice in the following specific situations:

– in case of an emergency or the tenant consents at the time of entry

– if the tenancy agreement provides for regular cleaning by the landlord and if: 1) entry is made at times specified or 2) between 8am and 8pm when no times are specified

– if the landlord want to show a prospective tenant and if – 1. the landlord and tenant have agreed to a termination or either  has given notice of termination 2. the landlord enters the rental unit between 8am and 8pm and 3) the landlord, before entering, makes a reasonable effort to inform the tenant of her/his intention to enter.

It is important that the landlord and tenant understand these rules when they enter a rental agreement.  You can find more details in a brochure provided by the Landlord and Tenant board.  http://www.sjto.gov.on.ca/ltb/brochures/






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